Unani Treatment Bangalore Unani Medicine HLC

Unani is the great art in medicinal field rightly traces its origin from Arabs during the medieval period with their expertise. Best Unani treatment in Bangalore The Tibb-E-Unani is the great art in medicinal field rightly traces its origin from Hypocrites and recompiled and renaissance during the medieval period by Arabs with their own aptitude and expertise. . It indoctrinates that to restore health one should have a balanced state of four senses of humour viz. Dam-Blood Balgam-Phlegm Safara-Yellow Bile Sauda-Black Bile. The nitty-gritty of this system is to the preservation of self through conserving the immune system that is Quwat-E-Mudabbirah to its optimum level. The Department of Unani in Holistic Life Care we offer unique kinds of medicines stocked over here from Morocco to various parts of India as well.It believes that disease is a natural process. Holistic Life Care offers the best Unani Treatment and Medicine in Bangalore. visit website www.holisticlifecare.in unani.html Mobile NO 099021 05448



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