2006 Buick Rendezvous CX

TWO OWNER 2006 BUICK RENDEZVOUS CXL 4-DOOR SUV. THIS VEHICLE IS EQUIPED WITH ALL WHEEL DRIVE DUAL POWER LEATHER SEATS PARKING SENSORS ROOF RACK THIRD ROW SEATING PRIVACY GLASS AND TRACTION CONTROL. ASK US ABOUT OUR BUY PAY HERE PROGRAM. AUTOCHECK GUARANTEED visit us at www.allenmotors.com. We offer Autocheck guaranteed well maintained pre-owned vehicles. Allen Motors has been in business for over 18 years and we pride ourselves in customer service. We are an elite member of the Better Business Bureau. We offer wholesale pricing and excellent finance and lease rates for all levels of credit scores. We offer extended warranties along with a wide range of after market components. Allen Motors Inc. makes no representations expressed or implied to any actual or prospective purchaser of any vehicle as to the condition description or accuracy of the listed vehicles equipment price or any warranties. Any and all differences must be addressed prior to the sale of any vehicle. Prices listed do not include government fees and taxes any finance charges or any dealer document preparation charges.



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