Lupus (SLE) medication just not working well for persistent flar

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) occurs when the immune system which normally fights infections and bacteria starts attacking the body. Common symptoms include fatigue headaches joint pain joint swelling and a rash on the cheeks and nose called butterfly rash. Doctors in your area are studying a medication to see how it may reduce the disease activity of SLE.or painYou may qualify for the SOAR study if you Are 18 years or older Have persistently active SLE Have symptoms or signs of your SLE that include rash and or joint swelling and pain (arthritis) that have not responded tothe SLE treatments you are taking Are currently taking prednisone (or equivalent) to treat these symptoms of SLEAdditional requirements apply If you qualify and agree to participate the study treatment and study-related care will be provided to you ate no cost.To see if you qualify or for additional information please contact us below.



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