Auto interior detailing

Full service 100 Cars and Trucks 130 SUV and VanFull VacuumingShampoo Clean CarpetShampoo Clean Seats (fabric) Leather seats wiped cleanShampoo Clean Floor MatsWindow and Mirror CleaningDashboard Dusting and CleaningCup Holder CleaningConsole Area CleaningDoor panel CleaningAir Vents Dusted and CleanedGlade Car Air FreshenerEVERY CORNER WIPED DOWN AND CLEANEconomy Package 35 Cars and Trucks 50 SUV and VanFull VacuumWindow and Mirror CleaningDashboard Dusting and CleaningCup Holder CleaningConsole Area CleaningDoor Panel CleaningAir Vents Dusted and CleanedShampoo Package only 70 Cars and Trucks 90 SUV and VanFull VacuumShampoo Clean CarpetShampoo Clean Seats (fabric) Leather Seats wiped cleanShampoo Clean Floor MatsGlade Car Air Freshener Below is an example of my car. I ve had various things spilled on my seats and carpet and I ve wiped them down nicely with little to no evidence of its existence. I have a power vacuum for cleaning and safe chemical cleaners and sprays. PRICES ARE ESTIMATES FOR WORST CASE SCENARIOS CONTACT ME FOR ESTIMATE OR SPECIAL OFFER BASED ON DISTANCE AND AMOUNT OF WORK ACTUALLY NEEDEDCall or text 3178752258 or pm me FOR APPOINTMENT THIS TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY ONLY 10am-4pmEVERY SATURDAY 10am-6pmEVERY SUNDAY 2pm-6pmSpecial pricing for multiple cars I GO TO YOUR HOME



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