8.29 Acres - Land For Sale Heart of Fayetteville - Residential N

2 Lot Assemblage. Bring your Builder or Developer. These two adjoining lots give a total of 8.50 acres. There is an older home and garage which can be a tear down. Public water sewer and utilities already on the property. The lot btwn 460-510 E. Lanier is 4 acres for 350K- lot 510 E. Lanier is 4.50 acre for 400K. Located in the heart of Fayette County East of Downtown. Zoned Residential but lots of potential commercial use. Adjacent to a Montessori School. Minutes from Banks local restaurants and shopping. Atlanta First Realty 678-909-2496 New Homes For Sale Land For Sale Fayetteville Real Estate Live in Fayetteville East Lanier Avenue



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