Hoover Air Steerable Bagless Upright UH72400 is your answer to whole-home cleaning. It also comes equipped with WindTunnel 3 Technology that lifts and removes deep down embedded dirt with 3 channels of suction. The steerable design allows you to swivel and turn around objects with a flick of the wrist and the body reclines all the way to the floor to reach under furniture easily. The Hoover AirSteerable also has a telescopic handle with built-in wand that detaches with one simple touch multi-floor brushroll on off option allowing you to easily move from carpet to hard floors a clear nozzle and a no-scuff bumper. HEPA Media Filter - Traps 99.97% of dirt dust and pollens down to 0.3 microns Lightweight - Weighs only 14 lbs. with wand and tools. Multi-Floor Cleaning - Transitions from carpet to hard floors with ease picked up from your vacuum down to 0.5 microns. Includes 2-in-1 Crevice Tool Extension Wand Owner s Manual in English Spanish and French. I paid 189.99 at Sears last year for this machine for a larger home I sold and I am offering it at 65% OFF of what I paid for it. When you re done vacuuming simply empty the debris with its convenient bottom-release cup. Call 727-437-2166 Mornings before noon is best but you can leave a voice mail message other times on either line.



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