9800Smith 1998 GMC T6500 Low Pro 22 Ft. Box Truck

9800Smith This 1998 GMCT6500 Low Pro is a non-CDL 22 ft. box truck with a Cat diesel engine spring suspension 6 speed manual transmission two wheel drive tilt cab dual 50 gallon fuel tanks and 245x70R19.5 tires at 90%. The box is 22 ft. (L) x 7 ft. 9 in (H) x 96 in (W) with a liftgate. Inside the cab you ll find power steering power windows tele tilt steering A C and AM FM radio. 262 208 miles. Asking 14 950. Trades terms bank loans or business lease-to-own OAC. TOWN AND COUNTRY TRUCK SALES KENT (SEATTLE) WA. For full specs multiple photos and a video of this truck please click the following link www.townandcountrytruck.com search-by-stock-no-2 9800smith



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