6x12 ta enclosed trailer 693

Approximately three years ago we started asking the different trailer manufacturers about building an all tube frame trailer. Without fail all but one told us that the all tube frame was overkill. However our customers liked the idea of a better built trailer and that is exactly what we at Colony Cargo are doing today-BUILDING A BETTER TRAILER THAN THE COMPETITION COLONY CARGO S AI 6X12 TANDEM ENCLOSED TRAILER STANDARD FEATURES V-NOSE FRONT W SOLID FRONT WALL CONSTRUCTION REAR RAMP DOOR & SPRING ASSIST 32 SIDE DOOR W RV FLUSH LOCK W KEYS THERMACOOL CEILING INTERIOR 12 VOLT DOME LIGHT W SWITCH NON POWERED ROOF VENT BRACED FOR A C 24 ATP STONEGUARD FRONT ATP STONEGUARD STRIP UP POINT OF V-NOSE (2)3500 LB. 4 DROP LEAF SPRING AXLES W ELECTRIC BRAKES ON BOTH AXLES E-Z Call me at 843-751-4602 for any kind of help or more info.



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