Home For Sale Orlando Florida....Call For More Info

HOME FOR SALE CLOSE TO UCF AND VALENCIA COLLEGE CONTACT US TODAY TO SEE INSIDE BRING YOUR OFFER TODAY. vivienne.preferredrebrokers.com property 24-G4852464-8586-Larwin-Ln-Orlando-FL-32817 JUST REDUCE Ask about Lender incentives you may be able to purchase this home with No money Down...Investor s welcome....Looking for a Large family home for entertainment well look no more This Pool home will be great for your family great for entertainment High ceiling this home has wood floors . Has its own Lake access to Pearl lake and boat ramp Community pool play ground and recreation building. This 4 beds bath 2.5 family Lovely Homes quiet streets desirable neighborhoods top schools.Fabulous two-story traditional home in a established neighborhood. Plenty of room for a large family with spacious living and dining areas as well as a warm and inviting -charm Living room with vaulted ceilings fireplace . Renovated kitchen with ...New french doors home with large backyard.Spacious downstairs living room with 2 fireplace Large Master bedroom upstairs half bath is located downstairs fresh paint in side minutes to the University of Central Fl. Close to shops and much more.The home may be qualify for no down payment ask for more information.Currently zone for Winter Park High School.Property will go pending in the MLS once escrow is received at the title office.



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