6x12 Interstate Loadrunner trailer

2010 Model Year. American made Dexter axles. White Exterior Color. Sand Pad for Jack. 4 Wall ties 4 Surface mount floor ties Upgrade to 3 8 inch walls Upgrade to Radial Tires Interior mounted dome light with interior switch ATP Fenders. Diamond plating on front. LED Lights Keyed SS Coupler lock Interior mounted spare with lug wrench 14 x14 Roof Vent (does not leak) Side entry door. Rear double doors with side locks. Tags good through 10 19I bought this trailer brand new in 2011 and it has seen very little use. I have had it on the road app. 4-5 times for trips to Portland hauling taxidermy. Mostly it sits and does not get used. It is very clean inside and out although the stickers have some fading from the sun as you can see in the pictures. Deciding to sell due to low usage.



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