CUSTOMER SERVICE SALES SUPPORT ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE POSITION FOR PRINTING DISTRIBUTORSHIP IN OKC27-year old well established company in Oklahoma City.We are seeking an individual to be responsible for an established group of accounts that would include processing orders managing inventories and inventory replenishment cross-selling maintaining a good relationship with clients and supporting our salespeople. The ideal candidate will have customer service experience be able to work in a high volume high paced environment good phone skills and be proficient in excel and word. Experience in the printing industry or prior experience working in a bank would be helpful. High School diploma and at least 1 year of customer service experience required. As part of our sales process we try to surround our clients supply needs with technology so an aptitude of being able to work with on-line ordering systems company on-line stores is required. Candidate must have the ability to work with our sales and administrative software platform.We offer a competitive salary 401K plan health life and dental insurance and vacation. Please send resume to accounting(at)



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