Licensed Practical Nurse and Triage Nurse

Join the staff of The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) and become part of Oklahoma s premier research university which leads the state in education and career opportunities. OUHSC is one of only four comprehensive academic health centers in the nation with seven professional colleges. We are currently building world-class institutes for the treatment of diabetes and cancer.The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City has several openings for full-time Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN).DESCRIPTION We are currently seeking several LPNs for our clinics in the Oklahoma City OK area. Responsibilities may include patient preparation sample collections patient follow-up medication administration data collections information gathering electronic order entries wound care injections referrals etc. Several positions available in our pediatric adult and cancer clinics. Experienced and entry level openings available QUALIFICATIONS LPN must have completed an accredited practical nursing program and have a certification as a LPN and registered as a LPN in the State of Oklahoma. Must also have a current CPR Certification good communication skills show professionalism as well as have a high work ethic and integrity. Recent graduates must obtain their license within 90-days of hire.Benefits Generous contribution towards health insurance PTO & paid holidays Retirement tuition benefit for employees and families life insurance etc. Monday Friday daytime hours Professional learning environment And much more APPLY Qualified candidates must apply online job numbers 173801and 172321.AA EOEThe University of Oklahoma is an Equal Opportunity Institution. Protected veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.



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