Beautiful Pure Bred AKC German Shepherd Puppies

Hello there we have 5 beautiful Pure Bred German Shepherd puppies (2 male 3 female) born on January 15 2018 Black and red puppies they will be ready to go home March 16 2018. They are strong healthy and energetic puppies with good playful temperaments. The male puppies weigh around 15lb and the females puppies weigh about 10lb. They are potty trained and they are ready to live indoors and outdoors. They already eat meat cottage cheese and dog food. They have been dewormed and will have their shots done soon. Dad is AKC and CKC registered gorgeous black and red coat he is about 150lb. Mom is AKC registered beautiful black and red she is about 100lb. They come with AKC paperwork and shot record. For more information and pictures please call or text 1 (916)796-2684



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