Mobile Hotspot Device w FREE Wi-Fi Advertising Platform

We Just Officially Launched a Revolutionary Mobile Wi-Fi Service Offering Introducing Uplink. What is Uplink Uplink is the result of our totally original marketing concept that we call Mobile Guest Wifi. Why do Starbucks and thousands of other large businesses offer Guest Wi-Fi To collect their customers contact information for marketing Every business owner knows that new leads are the lifeblood of their business. Imagine if you could instantly create Your Very Own Free Guest Wi-Fi hotspot Anywhere Any time and collect high quality leads from everyone around you How amazing would that be at a conference At work Out for lunch On the bus At the airport At a stadium Did I mention your business ad or commercial would also appear at time of log in Now that is a GAME CHANGER How Uplink Works 1. Plug your smartphone into your beautiful tiny Uplink router. 2. Your Free Wi-Fi network appears on every iPhone Android tablet and laptop with a maximum range over 100 yards. 3. You automatically collect contact info from everyone that logs in. We are currently offering an introductory price of just 29 per month Because of the high demand we are doing a limited release schedule so order now to get the 1st shipments (est. delivery time 3 15). For more information go to or call Jeff at 203-204-3844 Uplink. Effortless Lead Generation.



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