Computer Technician for Side jobs

Hello My name is Joe. I am looking for some work on the side to help out people in need. - Need someone to do a fresh installation Backup old data files and copy them back over upon completion I m your guy.- Need some help troubleshooting a BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) I ll be happy to help resolve the issue for you.- Setting up and securing your wireless network. Do you require some assistance in making sure it s meeting every expectation that you need I d be glad to help out. - Do you require help in setting up a media center Issues with connecting to your media device Please let me know in thorough detail what has been tried and done. I can and will do the research necessary to fix issues so long as I have an inkling of the product.- If you are someone who has decided to try Linux though and need someone to thoroughly clean your hard drive of it and provide a clean install.I m a systems administrator in the military. I have 20 years of computer experience within the IT field. I enjoy and thrive on troubleshooting issues that users have. My experience is mainly within the Windows realm. I have two certifications currently working on preparing for my third certification. What Do I Provide Here is the list - Virus Malware Removal- Remote Assistance- Desktop Troubleshooting (Win XP Vista 7 8)- Software Troubleshooting- Hardware Software Installation- MS Office- Networking (Wired Wireless) - Can design a diagram of what it should look like and what it will be.- Build a PC (Provide cost effective recommendations and upon purchase build it)- Clean Installations (Backup if necessary)- Data Recovery- E-mail SetupI charge 20.00 an hour. Depending on what is needed I will make sure I am not doing a disservice provided I have all the details and or information. If I cannot resolve the issue I will not charge you the client.Please reply to this ad or contact me on my cell 253-382-9195 between the hours of 4pm-9pm. Weekends I am available 10am-9pm.



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