1981 Piper Cheyenne III

1981 Piper Cheyenne III. 7874 TTAF engine hours are 598 SMOH each. 531 SHSI each. IFR eight seats executive configuration. Forward club triple aft forward-facing seats. LS and RS refreshment centers and forward dividers. Belted potty and ac. Paint is white with silver and maroon stripes. Engines are Pratt and Whitney PT-6-41 Turboprops previously overhauled by Ontario Turbines. Props are Hartzell both overhauled 12 07. Cargo door Cleveland wheels and brakes exhaust kit. Avionics include ADF King KDF-86 KFC300 autopilot dual Garmin 530 avionics package. Dual garmin GNS-530 communication radios DME flight director on the piots side dual Garmin GNS-530 navigation radios. Radar altimeter on the co-pilots side dual RMI. Garmin TAWS dual transponders. Weather radar is a color Bendix yaw damper. Interior was done in 2003 as gray leather seats with white trim. Inspection events one and 2 completed Februaray. 7800 hour inspection also being done. View The Rest Of This Seller s Inventory ...



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