SD7NHW bulldozer For Solid Waste

SD7NHW bulldozer is 248 horsepower track-type dozer with elevated sprocket hydraulic direct drive semi-rigid suspended and pilot hydraulic controls. Equipped with hydraulic-mechanic type torque converter planetary power shift transmission. This bulldozer is specially designed to manage solid waste landfills more effectively by attaching special solid waste blade and low ground pressure (LGP) triangular track plates for efficiently working in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills and Swamp Lands. Engine - design turbocharged Engine Rated Power (248 HP) Operating weight 23 ton (without ripper) Pilot joy stick hydraulic control ROPS and air-conditioned cabin LED Lights Semi-rigid suspended track system Contact-Us -Daya Charan & Company 918588815755Janakpuri New Delhi Delhi 110058 www.bulldozer.coinfo(at)



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