Medical Coders - Multi-specialty

We need multi-specialty remote medical coders contract 3 years experienced credentialed inpatient coders in the following specialties for a teaching facility.NICU PICUHematology OncologyERNephrologyCardiologyInpatientOrthop edics with E MInpatientPathologyRadiologyE MOBGYNCredentials - CCS CPC RHIT RHIT - Passing our testing phase will be required before you are hired.Location Work At Home Flexible SchedulePosition will start asap.Pay DOE & NegotiableTo Apply Please visit and click on Join Now and select the medical coding job bank registry to become a remote agent. Please email us your resume with your qualifications and work history to us. Attn Your Name - Multi-specialty MT Please reference agent id code MJOLjanet on your registration submission. Attn (Please note your preferred specialty that you have the experience in the subject line of your email. Please paste your resume into the body text of the email - No attachments.Your resume must list your work history and experience in the listed coding fields we are seeking and your resume MUST reflect your experience.Please only apply if you have the experienced and credentials.Office 1 405 418 6160



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