Spanish Classes with Native Tutor 1on1

I am able to teach beginner intermediate and advanced level Spanish. I tutor students and all other individuals for 20 hr. If you require Spanish to English or English to Spanish Translations I can also help you at reduced rates. No prior experience is necessary to join I will teach you Spanish fully. Learn from the comfort of your home to save yourself traveling time food expenses and gasoline. I am a Native Female Speaker of the Spanish language. All lessons will include grammar writing and proper pronunciation along with fun activities. All my students receive e I also provide advance Spanish classes by cell phone. I have a very flexible schedule so I always try to work out tutoring hours with my students. I have tutored Spanish for over 30 years. No books are necessary for any class I customize everything for you based on your needs from the ground up. 1on1 classes can be done at a time specified by you. I accept paypal squarecash venmo and Google Wallet which are free online services for online tutoring payments.



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