Schnoodle Puppy

Schnoodles Born December 28th Grants Pass OR Only 1 female left Message me for more info Mom is purebred Miniature Schnauzer color called liver pepper Dad is purebred Miniature Poodle color called Cafe Au Lait Will be ready to be rehomed by February 20th. 1 female left...... I will have their official Vet check 1st vaccine and 2nd worming done at about 7 weeks. Their dew claws were removed and tails docked at 2 days old. There is a pic of Mom & Dad also.The Schnoodle is a popular designer breed. A mix of the Schnauzer and Poodle this breed brings together some of the best attributes of both original breeds. The breed is hypoallergenic and fits well into a household with pet allergies (they do not shed) Gentle with children this dog is an affectionate and playful companion for people of all ages.



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