I am in dyer need of a truck.

I am have just recently gotten moved back into a home after having to give up driving for to become my sister s caregiver. I am an entrepreneur and I not only know how to make money but I know how to make you money as well. You do not know it yet but the person who takes me up on this offer will make a significant amount more than what he is even expecting and that sounds pretty good doesn t it I am in the process of launching four different types of businesses two of them will be non-profit (501c3) organizations one an LLC and the other just for fun basically and will be listed as a DBA.In order for me to be able to successfully get these businesses off the ground I am forced into having to make payments and not only that but I will not be able to put any money down on the truck either but that is where you will start seeing a few more dollar signs than what you even imagined. I do not normally throw around thousands of dollars carelessly but I am also a fair individual and if you are willing to help me then I have no qualms whatsoever in paying you a minimum of 2K over your asking price but with two of my businesses being non-profit you will be able to write off any part of this transaction you want as donating it to charity. You of course will hold the title until the very last penny has been paid to you while in the meantime bro.g at peace with a sense of joy and relaxation in knowing that the contract I draw up will literally protect you seven ways to Sunday and should the truck be involved in a wreck or is totalled there are no refunds.data and you will receive the full asking price of the vehicle plus any monies already received so regardless what takes place throughout the term of this agreement it is a win win for both parties involved. We can discuss other points when we talk but please help me get in a truck I so desperately need so I can help you make more than you had anticipated. Thank you



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