2003 Holiday Rambler Atlantis

This Holiday Rambler is 30-foot in length and has 26 500 miles on it. This unit is equipped with a Ford 6.8L V10 gas engine paired with an 4-speed automatic transmission with overdrive on a Ford E450 chassis. It sleeps 6 people has 1 slide 1 awning and has 2 A C units. This unit has no water damage no pets and non-smoking.FEATURES 3-Burner StoveMicrowave Convection OvenDouble Door Fridge FreezerTV DVD CD StereoDouble-Size BedBack Up CameraBlue Ox Tow PackageOnan 4 000 Watt Gas GeneratorNew CoverKitchen Accessories Included6 New TiresNew 50 Water Hose Sewer Hose and Stand30 & 50 Amp Electric Connections



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