2003 Gulf Stream BT Cruiser

I am selling a 2003 Gulfstream BT Cruiser 24 ft Motorhome Model 5230. It is a Ford F450 6.8L Triton V10 with 33 129 miles. It gets from 10 to 12 MPG. Mechanically it is in great condition. Some of its features are Cruise Tilt Power heated Side mirrors Camera with Dash Monitor Drivers and Passenger Airbags Leather Seats Power Door Locks Power Windows Cold Dash AC Radio with CD Slide out Rear Bath Kitchen with Magic Chef 3 Burner Cooktop and Oven Sharp Microwave Dometic Refrigerator Model RM2652 Dinette that makes a bed Couch that makes a bed 24 Dynex TV Roof Antenna Dometic Roof AC Suburban 25 000 BTU Gas Furnace Wall Thermostat 6 Gal Gas Water Heater Gas Leak Detector Generic Generator Model 004700-0 with 183.1 hours Heated Holding Tanks Fire Extinguisher Smoke Detector Electric Steps Hitch.



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