WOW What an auction....RJ Horner Dresser Industrial Carts Gorgeo

Come get your auction on Saturday February 3rd at the best auction house around....Magnolia Gardens Auction House We have a floor set that is out of this world you don t want to miss one minute This is the time to stock up this will be our last auction for a couple of weeks so make plans to join us We have some beautiful pieces....RJ Horner & Co. Dresser is just absolutely beautiful some really cool leather dome chairs gorgeous antique beds a great farmhouse bookcase a cool table with bicycle wheels industrial carts armoires and this just the beginning of the week so with this many terrific items you know you are in for a treat this week We started the week off with a BANG and day two is another WOW....antiques modern painted primitive industrial elegant we are pulling out all the stops to bring you the best Antique Jacobs Scale Vaseline Glass Red Adair lighter Alaska License plate lovely Silk Chaise Lounge Weller Pottery fabulous painted furniture a terrific Cathedral Bookcase gorgeous Victorian Wardrobe fantastic chandeliers Fitz and Floyd dishes marble top leather name we have it So come and get it It is never too early to get your seat reservations in call 281-516-7251 713-363-4855 or use the link on our Facebook page. If you are not following us on Facebook you should be this is a great way to get an early look at pictures and details of the upcoming auctions....just look us up and LIKE us You may also view pictures at our website and if for some reason you are in able to attend the auction you may always leave an absentee bid. Just call one of the numbers listed above give the amount you wish to bid the name of item you are bidding on payment and contact information. Our doors open at 5pm for viewing and sale starts at 7pm. Hope to see you there Tina Murphy 16380Items Sold As Is16% Buyers PremiumCash Check and Credit Card AcceptedOpen to the PublicDealers Welcome.



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