1125 W. Calhoun Springfield 2 Bedroom 1 Bath House

I had this house sold and I am getting it back. Prefer cash of course but bank loan is OK. Will be available in soon. If interested drive by 1125 W. Calhoun (South of Division and between Broadway and Kansas) BUT PLEASE ONLY LOOK FROM THE OUTSIDE AND DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BOTHER THE OCCUPANTS. If you like the location and the looks of the outside I can make arrangements for you to see the inside by appointment. There is a large attic that could EASILY be made into at least 2 bedrooms and a bath. Great rental or good home for 1 or 2 people at least. Central gas heat air washer dryer hookup. large kitchen and dining room combination. More kitchen cabinets could easily be added. Fenced back yard detached small garage or storage area. Nice neighbors. I have owned this house several years and my daughter lived there awhile. There has been no problem with crime at this house ever. Email me with any questions.



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