Afectionate Boston Terrier Puppies You can contact us only on te

Quality registered Boston Terrier puppies with amazing pedigree. Will make stunning show dogs and house pets. Mum is here to meet. Puppies will leave with 4 weeks free insurance help and advice for life all papers. All puppies available. He also NEVER has accidents in the house prefers to do his business in the woods and doesn t dig or chew. He loves to go on walks and shed hunts with me and he loves the water and the snow. He knows his boundaries and can sit stay and go down on command. He loves getting bathed and sits still to have his nails trimmed he ll do anything for a treat His name is Max. He will come with his wire kennel toys and vet records. He is up to date on all of his shots.You can contact us only on text at 803-574-1939



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