T Cup and Tiny Toy Poodle Puppies

I have T-Cup and Tiny Toy Poodle Puppies ready to new home.New litter T-Cup. And TINY TOY size is born (Nov 1 2017) ready to new home by the end of Jan 28 2018. Full grown only 4-6 lbs.Deep Brown color.Price start at 400.2 males and 1 female now they are just 1 lbs to 1.5 lbs.Mom is 5.5 lbsDad is 5 lbsWe offer you a 2 days full guarantee and one year genetic health guarantee with these adorable puppies that come to you vet checked de-wormed and with their first shots.Puppies rise from a family and your dogs will be well socialized as our children love to interact and play with them daily.Poodle puppies are non shedding and hypo-allergenic. They are great with children and love other pets.Also they are good size to live in Condo. They are gentle playful and happy little dogs.They are vet checked 1st vaccinations and de-worm.They are pee pad trained and crate trained.Each puppy goes home with some food bowl leash collar book toy blanket pee pad.Many thanks for looking and we wish you all the best in your search for your new family member.



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