Tiny Teacup Yorkies (Yorkshire Terriers) Ready Jan.25th

Hypoallergenic and Non-Shedding Just look at those cute teddy bear faces These little beauties will be ready to go soon.They are tiny Small boy charting to 2-2.5lbs and small girl charting to 3lbs.Mom is 3lbs and Dad is 2.5.There were 3 in this tiny litter and one tiny girl has already been sold.serious inquiries only Both mom and dad are purebred but not papered.Rocco-What a little sweetheart He is incredibly cute loves to play but most of all he loves to be held.He is softly affectionate as he will appreciate you with gentle kisses.He is 5 tall and 7 long from head to beginning of tail.He has very long wavy and soft hair.Charting to 2-2.5lbs.AskingMissy-Super cute and very affectionate.Very adventurous she loves to play by herself with toys and will follow you around like you are the centre of the Universe.She is 6 tall and 8 long from head to beginning of tail.Charting to 3-3.5lbs.Asking We are a hobby breeder and we raise our babies in our living room socializing them with household noises children cats and other dogs.These babies are handled daily and are very well socialized.They come with a one-year health guarantee they have both been Vet checked and are very healthy.Each comes with their new red beds 2 weeks of food Puppy pack their favorite toys and chews.



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