9455 FIREHALL FRONTAGE RD SALMON ARM BC25 000 sq ft care home type facility with 37 bedrooms with en-suites on 3.44 acres with Highway 97B exposure. Well built building offers tons of potential and opportunity. Renovated and expanded in 2003 with two spacious commercial kitchens two dining rooms great room lounge common bathrooms staff rooms offices storage and more. Fully secured facility with potential to be a health care facility rehab and counselling facility seniors housing affordable housing and so much more. Natural gas boiler system with in-floor radiant heat plus electric baseboards. Fire detectors and sprinkler system in place. Private 3.44 acre property with gardens terraces and treed areas. Septic system water treatment and two wells. Split institutional and residential zoning in place. Building is currently vacant. This is a COURT ORDERED SALE. MLS 10147572For more information Jim Grieve PREC 250-833-6312 jdgrieve(at)shaw.ca or Jordan Grieve PREC 250-833-7812 jordangrieve(at)shaw.ca or visit www.jimgrievesalesteam.comHOMELIFE SALMON ARM REALTY1-800-890-9166



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