Pitsky Puppies

Beautiful blue gray eyed Pitsky puppies (Siberian Husky-American Pit Bull Terrier mix) up for adoption soon. Taking (Non-refundable) deposit will hold the puppy of your choice. Want to go to the best homes.They where born on Thanksgiving Day- November 23 2017. They will be ready to go to their new homes on February 1 2018 when they hit 10 weeks old just in time for Valentine s day. They are being socialized with (kids cats big small dogs). All are very sweet incredibly affectionate with lots of personality very intelligent learning fast. All Pitskies baby s have blue or gray-blue eyes some just a little darker but still blue.Already working on potty training and all Pitskies babies are pretty much weaned off of Mama and are eating solid and wet puppy food.Mother is American Pit-Bull Terrier she has honey colored eyes and the father is Siberian Husky with blue eyes. They will be de-wormed and have first set of shots. The pictures that are posted are just a few of the babies. (Deposit 150.00 Adoption Fee 800.00 - 700.00.)Happy to answer any questionsEmail me at KiaG702(at)gmail.comPlease Serious Inquires Only.Thank you.Please Note Pitskies are not a purebred dog . It is a cross between the American Pit-Bull Terrier and the Siberian Husky or Alaskan Husky . They are really good caretakers and very faithful dogs to their owners and family members.



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