Tableau training in hyderabad

Kosmiktechnologies: KOSMIK is a Global leader in training, development, and consulting services that helps students bring the future of work to life today in a corporate environment.We have a team of certified professionals and experienced faculty working with latest technologies in CMM level top MNC?S. We build students capabilities and leadership skills at every level and every opportunity.We do this to help build internal support, get to real issues, and reach practical recommendations. We bring out the capabilities of students to fully participate in the training and lead any project work. We are passionate about taking on immense challenges that matter to our students and, often, to the world. About course: Tableau Software is a software company headquartered in Seattle, Washington, United States which produces interactive data visualization products focused on business intelligence. Key Features: Interactive Learning at Learners convenience Industry Savvy Trainers Real Time Methodologies Topic wise Hands-on / Topic wise Study Material 24/ 7 system access Best Practices / Example Case Studies Support after Training Resume Preparation Certification Guidance Interview assistance Recorded versions of sessions About offered courses: kosmik Provides online Hadoop, MSBI, Core Java, Data Science, Digital Marketing, Tableau, Android & selenium, hadoop, Testing tools, Python, sales force, manual testing, ect. . Contact US: KOSMIK TECHNOLOGIES PVT.LTD 3rd Floor, Above Airtel Showroom, Opp KPHB Police Station, Near JNTU, Kukatpally, Hyderabad ? 500 072. INDIA. PH.No : (+ 91) ? 87 121 86 898 For more information visit: http:/ / Tableau-training-in-hyderabad/



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