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Iconnect Seat Lease Inspiring solutions that help you grow your business Iconnect Global Communications working with you working for you Seat LeaseEastwood City Cyberpark For only 7 499 seat month you can now operate your accounts at iCONNECT GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS INC. WHAT S INCLUDED Work Stations built up with Intel I3 computers USB noise-canceling headsets High speed internet connection (12 Mbps and 8 Mbps as backup) AVAILABLE SUPPORT SERVICES Training room conference room and pantry area. Automated time and attendance system (Biometrics) Secured proximity pock entry and exit On site IT support (Base level support) For more information you may contact Email renan.cia(at) Mobile No. 09178349727 Tel. No. 02-439-8511 A& B 28th Flr IBM Plaza Eastwood City Cyberpark E. Rodriguez Jr Ave. Quezon City Philippines



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