Our Biggest Auction Ever January 6th Chandeliers Fenton RS Pruss

We are starting the year off with a bang with our huge auction Saturday January 6th at Magnolia Gardens Auction House We have a line up that will knock your socks off.....fabulous items from Willie Nelson like Victorian Chandeliers Cast Iron sink vanity plus fabulous smalls....Rs Prussia Fenton Tramp Art 40 years worth of a knife collection copper pots and so much more to come We will have an early preview Friday January 5th from 1pm-6pm because this auction is so big we will start early doors will open at 1pm Saturday January 6th for viewing the sale will start at 6pm. We are already getting request for seat reservations and you can get yours too call 281-516-7251 713-363-4855 or use the link on our Facebook page. Following us on Facebook is a great way to keep with daily post of pictures and details. Tina Murphy 16380 Items Sold As Is 14% Buyers Premium Cash Check and Credit Card Accepted Open to the Public Dealers Welcome



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