Pet for rehomed

Hello Everyone We are looking to rehome our sweet dogs as soon as possible. Our loving dogs are chihuahua Daschund mix. Simon (white) and simba (black) needs to be rehomed. They are almost a yr old and are on the smaller side. All their shots are up to date and we have all their vet records as well as microchipped. They re the best dog we ve ever had. We are just currently gonna be moving and sadly aren t able to bring them with us. All they wants to do is just play and sit with you on the couch be petted and watch tv. They will know when you get home when they barking and wait to let you know they needs to go out. They waits patiently for us to get home. They super happy if you let them take naps throughout the day. They love ice cubes. They are quiet calm and fun dogs. Very rarely barks. They gets along with other dogs and children and is very patient. Rehoming fee is 800 for both with all paperwork included. We re looking for a family or someone that will love him as much as we do. Please text 765-413-4549 info if interested. (No drama)Thank you



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