2009 Winnebago Era 170 Limited

Length 23 feet Year 2009 Make Winnebago Model Era 170 Limited Miles 106 000 Interior Color Ultra Gray Exterior Color Gray Multi Slides 0Like New Very Well Maintained Smoke & Pet Free 24 MPG INTERIOR FEATURES Hardwood Floors Carpet Corian Counter Tops Full Kitchen Microwave Stove Top Shower Skylight Fantastic Fan Satellite Radio & Satellite TV 3 Entertainment Centers 24in Insignia w Built In DVD Rides 7 Sleeps 2 King Bed Sofa Sleeper EXTERIOR FEATURES Mercedes Diesel 154 Turbo & Chassis Outside Shower 2.5kw Onan Generator w Only 200 Hours Roof A C w Heat Pump Furnace Back-up Camera 1 Way Limo Tinted Glass Tires & Batteries 1 Year Old 6 Gallon Water Heater 30 Gallon Fresh Water Macerator Waste Discharge System Electric Hook Up 110 8 000lb Tow Package. 40 000 OBO See more at www.rvregistry.com used-rv 1010006.htm



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