Great last minute Gifts Saturday December 23rd at Magnolia Garde

We appreciate and value each of you for making 2017 such a terrific year and we want to end with a Our gift to you......5% Buyers Premium Saturday December 23rd at Magnolia Gardens Auction House This Saturday will be a huge auction with great treasures for you to give as gifts your home and your shop. You don t want to miss it Our doors will open at 5pm for viewing and the sale will start at 7pm we are happy to take seat reservations....just call 281-516-7251 713-363-4855 or use the link on our Facebook page. We know this can be a busy time of the year so if you can t make it you can always call and leave a bid so you won t miss out on any of the amazing items up for auction. Call one of the numbers above and leave the amount you want to bid payment and contact information.Pictures and details up soon Tina Murphy 16380Items Sold As Is14% Buyers PremiumCash Check and Credit Cards AcceptedOpen to the PublicDealers Welcome.



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