Newfoundland Puppies Ready now

Born October 26th 2017Males 3Females 3Price 750.00Solsberry Indiana 47459christymarquis(at)yahoo.comWe have six puppies ready on 12 15 17 but will hold with payment for Christmas. Two all black females one all black male two brown liver males and one Landseer female. We own both mother and father and they are on sight to view (photos available upon request). Mother was unable to nurse so they have been bottle fed and spoiled indoors since the day they were born.We have become very attached while raising them so we are looking for forever homes who want an extremely loving highly trainable family dog. Will not sell to someone who will tie them out in the yard and forget them.Veterinary reference required.For additional photos please email me - I have tons of them.What I offer with my puppyVeterinary Examination Current Vaccinations Current Worming & Parasite Prevention Pedigree Registered with APRShipping is NOT available.Email me with inquiries and I will email you back as quickly as possible.Thanks for looking



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