Only 3 Saturdays until Christmas Don t miss our Amazing Auction

Time is flying by only three weekends left until Christmas.....time to shop til you drop and the best place to drop is at Magnolia Gardens Auction House Saturday December 9th We ve got your gift list covered with the best unique gifts you can find for all the special people in your life Murano Glass figures Cameo portrait collection great selection of leather wear David Yurman Sapphire Sterling Silver Gold jewelry watches diamond earring and necklace set (these are perfect stocking stuffers for her) king size poster bed Amish iron wagon wheels lovely needlepoint chair and settee painted sofa table antique leather top ladies desk a cool modern bar roll top desk and this is only be on the lookout for more we will be adding more to the floor as the week progresses For the perfect gift for anyone we have gift certificates available inquire at registration desk or give us a call. Our doors will open at 5pm for viewing and the sale will start at 7pm Visit us on Facebook or our website at As always we would be happy to save you some seats just give us a call at 281-516-7251 or 713-363-4855. You can also reserve seats using the link on our Facebook page. If for some reason you can t make it to the auction you can call numbers listed above and leave a bid. We just need the amount you wish to bid on your favorite treasures payment and contact information. Tina Murphy 16380Items Sold As Is14% Buyers PremiumCash Check and Charge AcceptedOpen to the PublicDealers Welcome



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