Male and Female Shih tzu pups

Shih tzu 11 weeks old. One male grey. One male black and white. One male grey and white. For more info pics send email. Will be small. Very loving energetic and playful. They are puppy pad trained. Will potty outside. Have been dewormed once. Needs to be dewormed once more. Affectionate blue eye male and female tzu Puppies 10 weeks old female Shih tzu .comes with proof of first shots..had her de wormed.had her dipped too protect against fleas an other she comes with a leash an harness. She s very lovable been around kids..She s beautiful nice colors.Email me..beware She may lick you too death..rehoming fee.. 100 only.. I really really hate to see her go but I know it ll be better for her. She does good with bigger dogs Need to rehome female huskyloves playing with them but plays too rough with very small dogs. Not aggressive around her food or anything really. If left in a yard for too long without a friend or soemthing to Need to rehome female huskykeep her occupied she will try to get out and find you...Please Do Contact Us Directly Via Text Only At (403-907-2127) Or (403-907-2127)



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