Maltese pups available

WWW.FANTASTICTEACUPS.COM See Available and Current pictures Contact me at @ 817 592-0851 We can ship to most larger airports. All Puppies are Pure Bred and Registered Beautiful AKC Maltese Puppies, Sweet and loving temperament and well socialized to join their new family. Our website is current with available Puppies, Pictures and Prices. Comes current on all vaccinations and deworming program, vet certificate and 1 year health guarantee on genetics. All of our babies come microchipped for their protection. We can register the puppy and microchip for you with AKC and Provide membership to GoodDog Training. We can ship to most larger U.S. Airports with American Airlines for a small fee. All of our babies comes with a care package to include a small bag of Puppy feed, harness, lead, toy, and their very own blanket. We are inspected by State, USDA and AKC.



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