We are hiring Marketing Manager

Address of company unit 119 6951 72nd street Delta BC V4G0A2Location of work Delta city BC Job duties A Market Manager is tasked with handling the company s image through marketing campaigns. The manager is expected to increase sales and market share by reaching the target audience of the product. Marketing manager must manage the flow of the product from initial design and concept to presentation of the product to the consumer.Developing comprehensive campaigns and initiatives that span our target segments and product lines is a strategic priority for the company and essential to drive continued revenue and profit growth. The Marketing Manager will have the opportunity to build truly innovative campaigns that meet the needs of our customers partners and sales prospects. The main responsibility for this position is to continually analyze market segments build customer focused campaigns and initiatives and take them to market via coordinated activities globally. This exciting role offers significant room for future growth.Qualification Minimum 3 years related work experience University degree (marketing or business related major preferred) Strong communication skills Ability to work as a team player as well as individually Wage 40.00 per hour 40 hours per weekPlease submit your resume by email to hrbgm(at)hotmail.com(Note only those selected will be contacted)



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