Male and Female Blue x Gold Macaw Parrot

Cutest baby mini beautiful Looking to rehome my blue and gold macaw. I got him a couple of months ago from a coworker of my dad who was having an estate sale after her mother passed away but now I no longer have the time to spend with him. He will be friendly to the person that he bonds with and he is very talkative. While I feed him a proper balanced diet of nuts seeds dried fruit and bird kibble pizza is his favorite food. He is very talkative once he gets to know a person. he should be around 2 years old. I am looking to find him a loving family that can give him the attention that he deserves. as well as his cage indoor gym and other bird related supplies. If the post is still up he is still available. Sweetest baby mini female Blue x Gold Macaw Parrot .He is the smallest of all macaws and kind of hard to find. We have him Hatch and DNA testing certificates. -



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