Opportunities as a CNA is expanding..Become a CNA Today

Competent caring individuals are very much in demand and needed to make a difference in the lives of others. There are few professions where a person can make such a direct and immediate difference in another s life. Health Care can provide you with that opportunity. You will be needed The U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that nursing will continue to be a career for which there will be strong demand. Opportunities currently are plentiful and will continue to increase for nursing assistants.Following Areas where Nursing Assistants can find work Nursing homes long-term care Hospitals Adult family homes group homes private homes Assisted living retirement centers Home Health Care E & S Academy located in both Elizabeth South Plainfield and Lawrenceville have a 4-week C.N.A program that ll ensure your certification. Clinical Hours to add experience Payment plans available Guidance on resume building Job Placement Assistance For more information on our C.N.A program contact our admission team today North Campus 40 Parker Road Elizabeth NJ 07208 908-866-6662Central Campus2325 Plainfield Avenue South Plainfield NJ 07080 908-603-1333 South Campus684 Whitehead RoadLawrenceville NJ 08648609-227-4488



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