Bullseye X Miagi - Orange Crush pups

Brooklyn (Volcano Daughter) has been bred to Orange Crush (Bullseye Son) and we whelped 6 puppies 1 female and 5 males on 8 25 17. We have 2 males and 1 female available. All pups will be inspected by a licensed veterinarian dewormed and vaccinated before rehoming. All puppies will receive a full capacity evaluation by a licensed veterinarian to ensure proper sight hearing before rehoming. They will rehomed with proof of the vaccinations and dewormer given. Updated photos and reviews from past clientele can either be found on our page(s) www.facebook.com BaltimoreBredBullieswww.Instagram.com BaltimoreBredBullies The price for remaining puppies this litter have been set at 1000 . Peds bullypedex.com pedigree 18404 leagueline-kennels-orange-crushbullypedex.com pedigree 58139 baltimore-breds-brooklyn Should you have any additional questions please feel free to contact me at your convenience.



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