Holiday Shopping Season is officially here Shop Small Business S

Join us Saturday November 25th and shop Small Business Saturday at Magnolia Gardens Auction House After the hustle and bustle of fighting black Friday crowds come shop in a friendly relaxing atmosphere. We have you covered from gifts to decorations to beds sofas and chairs to accommodate start we have a absolutely beautiful Nativity set cherub angels hides 1920 s Ladies Home Journal magazines queen size bed sofas love seats is there a bird lover in the family check out the amazing bird cage gorgeous Waterford Fitz and Floyd industrial lamp and more to come Our doors will open at 5pm for viewing and the sale will start at 7pm. It is never too early to reserve seats call 281-516-7251 713-363-4855 or use the link on our Facebook page. Also visit us at and remember if you can t make it you can call one of the numbers listed and leave an absentee bid.....or for the perfect gift with the perfect fit we have gift certificates available. Tina Murphy 16380Items Sold As Is14% Buyers PremiumCash Check and Charge Accepted Open to the PublicDealers Welcome



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