Skilled Handyman - No job too big or small

Tired of YOUR contractor not showing up Are they collecting money before the job is done I ve been doing home repairs and renovations since Hurricane Irma struck Florida and I ve been busy ever since. Whether I m checking out damage to your roof reaching up high to change a light bulb painting installing screen to your outside enclosures doors putting in a fence or fabricating an entire outside deck for you I CAN AND WILL DO IT ALL No job is too big or too small and I don t charge for an estimate. I m more than happy to check it out for you and offer a FIRM quote.With numerous local references I m more than capable of assisting you to get what you need DONE. My services are usually available within a matter of weeks rather than a month or two out. In addition I don t collect a single cent for the job UNTIL IT IS DONE motivating myself to assist you in a timely manner. I operate with the promise of a 100% satisfaction guarantee meaning the job isn t done until you are 100% satisfied with the work I can be reached by cell throughout the day feel free to contact Brad at anytime. My number is (407) 484-4687.



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