Entegra Business Centre

Looking for an affordable Office Space Entegra Business Centre offers short and long term Office Space Rentals with everything a business could possibly need. We have everything from Boardroom and Meeting Room Rentals Virtual Services Free Secretarial services Underground Parking for clients High Speed Internet Mail Service IT Support Receptionists Kitchen Privileges and much more. Our office space is conveniently located on Macleod Trail SW just a few blocks south of the Chinook Centre Mall in Calgary. This central location makes us easily accessible from all areas of the city. We offer coffee water or tea to all visiting guests and make sure they are seated comfortably in our reception waiting area. Our goal is to make our office space the most sought after in Calgary by offering more affordable services than any other business centre in Calgary. For more information on our Calgary Office Space call us today at 403-252-5500 and ask for Peter or Bonny. Facebook s www.facebook.com EntegraBusinessCentreCalgary fref ts Twitter s twitter.com EntegraCalgary Google Plus s plus.google.com 112054882786867469924 posts



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