i wish i didnt have to sell my volvobut i need money7 passenger 3rd rollDVD player Front wheel driveBody is very cleanSunroofABS breakstitle is cleanengine is 2.5l turbo five cylinder Registration expires November 12Will need to be smogged will passi dont have money for registration needs to go asap all paperwork is in hand 2500Or best offercar is ready to go any timeNeeds radiator replacement minor repairDoes run but will need to be towedI have new radiator ln hand needs fittings Just needs installationNo mechanical issue ls what so ever other than radiatorradiator from A1 auto parts in handyour mechanic can fix it in my drive way if neededwe can work out towingCar still starts and runs greatOil and trans Fluids replaced regularly Clean title and DMV bill is sale in handits better to text me bacuse of bad receptionkevin 8183261433 9640 Sierra Hwy Santa Clarita CA 91390come have a look just call before handno low ballers i have new radiator in hand needs intallation 2500 dollars no checks or money orderprice is firm need the money



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