2015 Lowe fm 165 pro sc boat

am selling my 2015 Lowe fm 165 steering console. I really hate to sell it but I m wanting to move to another state and could use the money to help me along. It has very low hours and I am the only owner of the boat. It has been garage kept since I bought it new in 2015 from the dealer. I ve always used marine grade gas blend when I fueled it up so I wouldn t have to worry about moisture in the lines. I broke the motor in exactly the way I was told to. It s been winterized the two years I ve owned it. It comes with a garmin 7 side and down imaging fish finder with gps. A wireless motorguide trolling motor that was installed by the dealer. The motor is 60hp Mercury 4 stroke. Very quiet very fuel efficient motor that will go roughly 30-35 mph. It starts right up everything time. No cold nature here. Has two deep cycle interstate batteries and a 2 bank onboard charger which is practically brand new but it isn t installed. I couldn t figure out exactly what I wanted to do with it. Trailer is in great shape and tires have plenty of tread left. The boat itself is in immaculate condition on the interior but and the exterior is great as well except for a slight scrape on one sides decal due to crappy boat dock. If your interested text or call 217-853-4three8zero. I m asking 16 500 obo. Also comes with boat cover that s in excellent shape and is the matching cover for boat.



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