♡♡♡ ;♡♡stunn ing french bulldog pu

12 weeks old. One male grey. One male black and white. One female black and white. For more info/ pics send email. Very loving, energetic and playful. They are puppy pad trained. Will potty outside. Have been dewormed once. Needs to be dewormed once more. Vet reference will be required. Small rehoming fee can be reasonably negotiable. $250 rehoming! I have beautiful French Bulldog pup looking for her forever home! both blue eyes, AKC registered, good one shots, long coat, very well behaved. He is not the typical French bulldog you see, he is extremely calm and sometimes people think he s either old or sick (which obviously, he isn t) because he doesn t jump all around the place, run off or have any nasty behavior. We ve finished training school with him, so he walks great on a leash (no pulling or tugging), knows his tricks, does great on car rides. I feed him the raw diet so he s a very healthy dog. We spend tons of time outdoors with him so he s a big lover of hikes, swimming and etc.



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